Fracture Mandible (pdf)

Fracture Mandible (pdf)

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Fracture Mandible (pdf)
This is the 1st edition of the book Fracture Mandible. The text is comprehensive, updated and fully revised as per the present day requirements in the subject of orthopedics.
In this 1st edition of the book different methods of fixation, anesthesia, anatomy and overall treatment of fracture of mandible are given in detail. Some of the techniques that are not often used now to fix mandible are avoided to stay abreast with current trends in management. The book has 14 chapters. The first chapter deals with dentition. Chapter two and three provides a comprehensive description of fracture healing and anatomy of mandible respectively. Chapter four and five are dedicated to examination of fracture and classification of fractures of mandible. Chapter six deals with radiological examination of fracture mandible. A sound foundation of understanding of treatment of fracture of mandible is provided in chapter seven to fourteen. A comprehensive index is given at last.

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