Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition (pdf)

Textbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition (pdf)

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This textbook is the natural outcome of having worked at one of the prime dental teaching institutes in India, where there is abundance of variety of clinical materials and excellent infrastructure. The basic aim of this textbook is to incorporate this updated information and provide concise description of various oral and maxillofacial surgical procedures and current concepts and contemporary information. The unique feature of this book is that it incorporates all of those various subjects, which are usually found in separate textbooks. It takes efforts to present every chapter with updated text and to provide clear illustrations, wherever required. The information given and the chapters mentioned in this book are based on the curriculum prescribed for undergraduate program for all universities in India. The purpose of this book is to present as lucid and simple text as possible in the point format, without sacrificing the biological concepts. The highlight of this new edition is the updated knowledge and inclusion of new chapters dedicated to the new technology—Recent Advances in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography (CBCT), Lasers, Piezosurgery. An additional chapter is also added to implantology section. This third edition of textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery has seventeenth section and fifty-five chapters. The book is basically intended for dental undergraduates, but would certainly be useful for postgraduates, general practitioners and teachers in the field.

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