Textbook of Operative Dentistry, 2nd Edition (pdf)

Textbook of Operative Dentistry, 2nd Edition (pdf)

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Textbook of Operative Dentistry, 2nd Edition
The main objective of this Textbook of Operative Dentistry (2nd edition) to provide students with the knowledge required while they are developing necessary clinical skills and attitude in their undergraduate and postgraduate training in operative dentistry. The text has been carefully revised and brought up-to-date. Almost all the chapters have been modified. Many new clinical photographs have been added and latest new material has been added. It is extensive and point-wise coverage of subject in simple manner incorporating the recent trends, current updates and new concepts. This book includes 32 chapters on physiology of tooth form, pulp protection, matrices and tooth separation, esthetics in operative dentistry and nanotechnology. Extensive coverage of topics like instruments, principles of tooth preparation, bonding, composites, amalgam restorations, glass ionomer cements and many more. This book incorporates more than 1500 illustrations for easy understanding and grasping of the text. It is highly beneficial to undergraduates, postgraduates, general practitioners and to the students preparing for postgraduates entrance examinations.

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