Textbook of Operative Dentistry (pdf)

Textbook of Operative Dentistry (pdf)

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The main objective of this book is to provide students with the knowledge required while they are developing necessary clinical skills and attitude in their undergraduate and postgraduate training in operative dentistry. We have tried to cover wide topics like cariology, different techniques and materials available for restorations, recent concepts in management of carious lesions, infection control, minimally intervention dentistry and nanotechnology. Operative dentistry is one of the oldest branches of dental sciences forming the central part of dentistry as practised in primary care. The clinical practice of operative dentistry is ever evolving as a result of improved understanding of etiology, prevention and management of common dental diseases. The advances and developments within last two decades have drastically changed the scope of this subject. Since effective practice of operative dentistry requires not only excellent manual skills but also both understanding of disease process and properties of dental materials available for use. So we can say that after going through this book, the reader should be able to: (a) Understand basics of cariology, its prevention and conservative management. (b) Tell indications and contraindications of different dental materials. (c) Apply modern pulp protective regimens. (d) Know the importance of treating the underlying causes of patient’s problems, not just the restoration of the damage that has occurred. (e) Select suitable restorative materials for restoration of teeth. (f) Know recent advances and techniques like minimally intervention dentistry, nanotechnology, lasers, diagnosis of caries and advances in dental materials.

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