Advances in Salivary Diagnostics (pdf)

Advances in Salivary Diagnostics (pdf)

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Advances in Salivary Diagnostics (pdf)
This book reviews the progress made in salivary diagnostics during the past two decades and identifies the likely direction of future endeavors. After an introductory section describing the histological and anatomical features of the salivary glands and salivary function, salivary collection devices and diagnostic platforms are reviewed. The field of “salivaomics” is then considered in detail, covering, for example, proteomics, the peptidome, DNA and RNA analysis, biomarkers, and methods for biomarker discovery.

Salivary diagnostics for oral and systemic diseases are thoroughly discussed, and the role of salivary gland tissue engineering for future diagnostics is explored. The book closes by considering legal issues and barriers to salivary diagnostic development. Advances in Salivary Diagnostics will be an informative and stimulating reference for both practitioners and students.

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