Textbook of Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion (pdf)

Textbook of Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion (pdf)

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Textbook of Dental Anatomy, Physiology and Occlusion (pdf)
This Textbook of Dental Anatomy Physiology and Occlusion illustrates easy-to-reproduce line drawings of various aspects of teeth with important features marked on them. It contains high-quality photographs and graphic illustrations with explanatory legends to support the text and includes numerous tables, boxes and flow charts throughout the text make understanding and recalling easier and summary charts at the end of each chapter on tooth morphology provide quick revision during examinations. It elaborates differences in morphology of various permanent teeth (arch, class and type traits) in tabular form with diagrams. It introduces the fascinating aspects of dental anatomy such as evolution of teeth, comparative dental anatomy, dental anthropology and forensic odontology. A chapter on tooth carving explaining the rationale, armamentarium and step-by-step carving procedure helps students for preparation of practical examinations. Multiple choice questions (MCQs) on all the chapters aid students in revision and preparation for viva voce and competitive examinations.

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