Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques / Edition 4 (pdf)

Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques / Edition 4 (pdf)

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Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques / Edition 4 (pdf)
Providing essential coverage of dental radiography principles and complete technical instruction, Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques, 4th Edition, is your key to the safe, effective use of radiation in the dental office. The first ever full-color dental radiography resource, this combination of a textbook and a training manual guides you step-by-step through common procedures, with accompanying illustrations, case studies, and interactive exercises to help you apply what you’ve learned to practice.

A concise, straightforward writing style makes complex concepts more accessible and helps you easily identify the most important information.
Step-by-step procedures combine clear instructions with anatomical drawings, positioning photos, and corresponding radiographs to help you confidently and accurately perform specific techniques, thus minimizing radiation exposure to the patient.
Helpful Hints detail common problems you may encounter in practice and provide a checklist to guide you through the do’s and don’ts of imaging procedures.
Quiz Questions at the end of each chapter assess your understanding of important content.
Key terms, learning objectives, and chapter summaries highlight essential information to help you study more efficiently.
Interactive exercises, terminology games, and case studies modeled on the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE) on Evolve reinforce your understanding and help you prepare for examinations.
New chapter on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) familiarizes you with emerging practices in dental radiography.
Updated chapter discussions and new radiographs keep you up to date on the latest information in digital imaging.
UNIQUE! Full-color design and new illustrations and photographs clarify difficult concepts and help you master proper positioning techniques.
UNIQUE! A comprehensive appendix provides quick, easy access to all mathematical formulas used in dental radiography.

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