Textbook of Pharmacology for Dental and Allied Health Sciences (pdf)

Textbook of Pharmacology for Dental and Allied Health Sciences (pdf)

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Textbook of Pharmacology for Dental and Allied Health Sciences
Pharmacology is the science that deals with the study of drugs and therefore forms the basis for modern medicine. The knowledge of pharmacology is important for all those who deal with drugs including the dental students. This book has been brought out keeping in mind the depth of information required for the dental students. Pharmacology is a subject that is rapidly growing over the years. To keep pace with it, this book has been thoroughly revised with appropriate additions, deletions and has been tailored to the needs of dental students. General pharmacology has been discussed in detail as it forms the basis for understanding pharmacology. Similarly chemotherapy, analgesics, anesthetics and corticosteroids are dealt with in adequate depth. Mechanisms of action have been discussed in brief. The prototype drug has been discussed in detail in each chapter, while the salient features of others are then mentioned. Simple figures, tables and charts have been used wherever necessary. References for further reading are mentioned at the end of the text. The chapters on ‘Dental pharmacology’ and ‘Emergencies in dental practice’ have been included. Adequate importance has been given to essential drugs. The text is simple, comprehensive and student-friendly.

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