Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 11th Edition (pdf)

Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist, 11th Edition (pdf)

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Clinical Practice of the Dental Hygienist is the cornerstone text in almost every dental hygiene education program. Written by one of the preeminent voices in dental hygiene education, this text provides students and practitioners with the knowledge and skills for successful practice as a dental hygienist. This comprehensive book progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward, outline format, making information easy to locate, understand, and reference.

Following the standards for Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice, as set forth by the American Dental Hygienists Association, this eleventh edition has been revised to cover new technology as well as additional core concepts in the field, such as culturally sensitive communication and evidence-based practice. In addition, this new edition brings more focus on documentation as part of the dental hygiene profession.

-NEW: Chapter 2, Evidence-Based Dental Hygiene Practice, added
–NEW: Chapter 3, Culturally Effective Communication, added

–NEW: CAMBRA information added
–NEW: Documentation section and example progress note added to each chapter, to emphasize the value of documentation and instruct students on how to accomplish this
–Comprehensive approach makes this an ideal study resource for the national board exam
–Detailed outline format makes it easy to study and locate information quickly.
–Up-to-date information ensures students and practitioners are current in their dental hygiene practice
–Full-color artwork and photographs
–Case-based exercises provide practical guidance
–Robust instructor and student ancillaries packages
–Text boxes, including Key Word, Procedure, Everyday Ethics, and Factors to Teach the Patient, reinforce covered concepts
–Appendices: ADHA, CDHA, and International Federation of Dental Hygienists Codes of Ethics; guidelines for infection control in dental healthcare settings; average measurements of human teeth; prefixes, suffixes, and combining forms; abbreviations for use in documenting patient care

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