Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontology and Implantology (pdf)

Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontology and Implantology (pdf)

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Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontics and Implantology – a new title in the successful Churchill Livingstone’s Clinical Problem Solving series – provides a highly visual step-by-step guide to the practical management of a wide variety of clinical problems seen in these areas of practice.
Containing over 500 high-quality colour photographs, the book is written in an easy-to read ‘how to’ style and contains a large number of real life clinical cases each supplemented with ‘practical tips’, ‘common pitfall’s’ and ‘helpful hints’ boxes.
Covering all the core aspects of practice, Clinical Problem Solving in Periodontics and Implantologywill be of value to all dental practitioners, both qualified and in training, who are interested in these areas of work.

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