Dento/Oro/Craniofacial Anomalies and Genetics, 1st Edition (pdf)

Dento/Oro/Craniofacial Anomalies and Genetics, 1st Edition (pdf)

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Dental defects may be the physical expression of genetic defects, and so they can often be seen in a variety of syndromes associated with malformations of organs. However, dental defects are often not recognized, identified, nor characterised despite representing a possible diagnostic sign for an undiagnosed condition. This book addresses this gap by providing an understanding of dental genetics and its developmental biology counterpart. With approximately seventy well-illustrated examples, the authors present the clinical oro-facial manifestations accompanying various syndromes, providing the necessary knowledge for diagnostic purposes, as well as giving insight into recent development for each specific condition. The clarity and format of this book make it an ideal support guide both in the clinic and while conducting research.

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